But exactly how does the size of this piece relate to reality?
For example, this reliquary plaque from 1185 - german.
Great Detail, not a super complicated design, easy peasy! http://metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/464199?rpp=30&pg=11&ao=on&ft=Cloisonn%C3%A9&pos=301
oh wait...it's actually only 1-1/8" x 3-3/8"..
thats, not very big at all...
so i drew it to actual size, and it became painfully obvious.
Then i considered the technique used for this: Champleve. Which uses engraving to remove areas of metal to then be filled in with enamel and ground smooth. Who wants to remove large open areas of metal? not this girl. i still am horrible with/haven't REALLY tried engraving for this purpose, so there's that..
So as glorious as it is to save images and zoom way-the-hell in on them, my point i want to make is to consider scale, in regards to purpose and technique, and be realistic in your recreations. Scale is important!
- YIS Tira
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