Monday, October 10, 2016

Several Recent Commission Pieces

So over the past year, i've taken on a couple commission pieces for friends in the SCA,
Starting with this Pelican Medallion:

 This was a small pendant made for a Midrealm Baroness, referencing her land's device:

And the most recent, another Pelican Medallion, for an elevation at this most recent Rose Tourney:

I hope to get more Photos and do a full write up regarding the Red Spears coronets Soon as well :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Business as usual

Ok, so maybe not "as usual" but i'm trying something new.
I now have an artists "page" on FB,
Rabbit Enamels

and also,

The Glass Rabbit

both of these are pretty sparse so far, but im excited to have some sort of presentation of my artwork online,

I haven't found a good way to integrate the blog into the website, so i may just link the website over here, meh.

Soon i'll get a writeup about the donation piece for SCA 50 year Historic Display fundraiser!!

it was glorious, and i was told the highest earning piece in the whole auction! ^_^ Squee!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

On Scale:

The internet is a glorious and expansive resource! Pictures ERRYWHERE!! yes, pinterest is my crack. 

But exactly how does the size of this piece relate to reality? 
For example, this reliquary plaque from 1185 - german.
Great Detail, not a super complicated design, easy peasy!

oh's actually only 1-1/8" x 3-3/8"..

thats, not very big at all...
so i drew it to actual size, and it became painfully obvious. 

Then i considered the technique used for this: Champleve. Which uses engraving to remove areas of metal to then be filled in with enamel and ground smooth. Who wants to remove large open areas of metal? not this girl. i still am horrible with/haven't REALLY tried engraving for this purpose, so there's that..  

So as glorious as it is to save images and zoom way-the-hell in on them, my point i want to make is to consider scale, in regards to purpose and technique, and be realistic in your recreations. Scale is important! 

- YIS Tira

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Great Migration

So apparently middle-ages England is boring. Or i'm just tired of the endless pursuit for the perfect cotehardie.. whatever,

* * * * * *

So i'm migrating to India! well, i've been toying with the idea of migrating to India since i wore a sari to pennsic two years ago, and it was the most comfortable i have EVER been at a hot-weather event. so, #winning right there.

So among all the other in-process projects, I've been switching over my persona to Tiramala Devi, because also, wanting to do ALL THE THINGS!

Originally, i'd started focusing on Tamil Nadu, very southern India, because i loved their sari drapes, but I've recently narrowed it down to Maharashtra, for i'm sure some reasons i can't remember, probably mostly influence from Bajirao Mastani (AHmazing 'period' movie). not gonna lie, i'm one of THOSE people. but i love it.

So seeing as i haven't updated in forever, i'm making it a goal to do so at least once/week, keeping up with projects/progress and the adventures of choli-patterning, and Kathak classes,

Here's to a New Year/New You, SCA edition!


(a good group of friends refers to me as "Fu" -yes as in 'little bunneh', and given my love of tiramisu, the two were QUICKLY merged upon settling on my new name.. )