Thursday, April 24, 2014

So then this happened

And then I finally entered my regional A&S Fair on 4/12/14.. now my laurel can lay-off.. of course, the next event she saw me i was reminded to repair her coronet that was nearly destroyed in a trip to and from Caid.. but.. i digress.

I Started by Grinding my own enamels. i used lampworking rods because they came in a variety of colors and were readily available.
I decided just gong to town on them in a motar/pestle would work.. and it totes did!

There are also records of heating the glass until red hot and then quenching it, this shatters it so that it will break more easily.. it totes did : )

I then cut small bits of cloisonne wire to match my design, this is a test of patience and OCD. for reals.. 

The Wires are then places on the base with a layer of clear enamel and fired to adhere them to the base

 The colors are then wet-packed into the cells, and fired until they fuse -

The process is repeated until the glass comes up over the edges, it will then be ground smooth, and placed in a bezel wire surrounded by pearls, oh hey, kinda like this.. (pic to follow)

And then you get judged by awesome people, who have way more faith in you, and make you feel awesome, and that you do good work, and then you clean up your docs and piece and take it to kingdom A&S!!!!!  

and stuff... im not dead yet, sorry y'all...

YIS - Gwen

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